Join our global sisterhood on our personal and collective journey as daughters of the Earth Mother, in these great times of change.
What you'll recieve:
- One Mooncycle Roots Temple Training Immersion
- 6 (recorded) In-class Temple Sessions
- 4 x3 Daily Video Lessons
- 4 detailed Video & written instructions to perform 4 powerful Elemental Ceremonies
- 5 Bonus Offers:
Womb Massage Workshop, Womb Wands of Light Ritual, Skirt Teachings, Full Moon Singing Circle, 6 recorded Prayer Songs with lyrics
Elemental Womb - Roots Temple Training
About the Roots Temple
Roots Temple is a self-paced online training, created for you to root yourself deep within a graceful solid foundation in your path as a Woman in connection & service to the Earth.
As pre-requisite to all our in-person retreats & training, as well as all other upcoming Elemental Womb Temples, this initiatory program is primarily dedicated to your own inner journey - to your tangible, harmonic relationship to the elemental forces - the clearing & strengthening of your energy body, your life-force and the integration of these teachings in daily life.
Confidentiality Agreement:
I understand & agree on full confidentiality of this sisterhood. I can share my own experience, and I will keep any information and sharing about other women confidential.
Self Responsibility:
I understand & agree to take full responsibility of my own experience, journey and health during this time. I understand that there are no refunds.
I understand Roots Temple is a pre-requisite temple for all Earth Priestess Temple Arts Trainings. Upon completion I am not trained to teach the content of this course yet.